Bala Yesu Franciscan Ashram
Bala Yesu Franciscan Ashram
Conventual Franciscan Friars
R.C.M. Church, Dondapudi - 534318
West Godavari Dt.
Andhra Pradesh, India
Tel: (0091 8811) 255493
The Bala Yesu Franciscan Ashram at Dondapudi in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh in the diocese of Eluru was canonically established as a friary on June 13, 2001 on an area of eleven acres of land donated by Bishop His Grace John Mulungada of Eluru together with the Shrine of Bala Yesu and the residence for the Friars. Fr. Joe Palukunnel was appointed the first Superior and Parish Priest. The Friary was blessed on June 28 by Fr. Joseph Cilia, Provincial Custos and on the same day Bishop John Mulungada presided over the Eucharistic celebration in which he officially handed over the parish to the Custody. This day also marked the beginning of the Andhra Mission.
The foundation stone of the Bala Yesu Hostel was blessed by Fr. Ugolino Xerri, Missionary Promoter of the Maltese Province, on November 14, 2002. It was inaugurated by Fr. Joseph Cilia, Provincial Custos and blessed by Bishop John Mulungada of Eluru on August 25, 2003. Another important undertaking of the friars here is the running of Greyfriars Junior College for the surrounding villagers
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In The Blessed Sacrament
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