Franciscan Centre
Il Centro Francescano nello Spirito di Assisi è un centro di spiritualità con un'atmosfera serena per condurre ritiri, seminari, programmi di formazione e altre offerte spirituali. L’obiettivo principale di questo centro è diffondere lo “Spirito di Assisi”. A questo scopo i nostri Frati conducono diversi programmi francescani. Con grande zelo per far conoscere il nostro Spirito francescano a più persone, lavoriamo per invitare molte più persone al nostro Centro.
Major Features of Franciscan Centre
1)To spread the “Spirit of Assisi” through various programmes under the leadership of FCPD (Franciscan Centre for Peace and Dialogue) and other Franciscan Organizations
2)To host the common programmes and meetings of the St. Maximilian Kolbe Province, such as all meetings of the Solemnly Professed Friars, Fraternal Gatherings, Annual Retreats, Junior Priest’s meeting, etc.
3)To organize retreats for priests, religious, and laity, in order to bring them closer to God and deepen them in the Spirit
4)To provide a public venue for motivational programmes and general-interest events, the proceeds of which will increase financial support for the ministries of the Conventual Franciscans in India
God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.
It Would be considered a theft on our part if we didn't give to someone in greater need than we are
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