St. Peter Franciscan Ashram
St. Peter Franciscan Ashram
Toopran Road, Gajwel Dt.,
Tel: 0091 8179091832
St. Peter Franciscan Ashram and St. Peter’s School, Gajwel is a new initiative in the field of educational ministry by Franciscan Conventual Friars, in the year 2017. Gajwel is a small town situated in the state of Telangana, 110 km away from Hyderabad airport. The school is 4 km away from national highway and thus a quiet and serene area. Geographically Gajwel is an agricultural area, where mostly the uneducated people are involved in farming. St. Peter’s School started by a catholic lay person named Mr. T.B.J. Sudhakar Reddy. In 2012 he started the building and in the same year officially it began functioning. His motivation was to give standard education to all the children in the area. In the year of 2017 due to certain personal reasons he has decided to sell the school to Conventual Franciscan Friars.
When we had taken up the school, the local people accepted this venture whole heartedly and giving their support by sending their children to the institute. At present there are 650 students and 36 teaching and non-teaching staff in the school. We have students from more than 60 villages, of which some situate really far from the school. Most of them are from very poor families. Educating the children is of course a great mission for us. However, on August 9, 2017, His Excellency Thumma Bala, Archbishop of Hyderabad officially inaugurated the school and it started to function officially. Fr. Michael Earaly, Vicar Provincial who was delegated by Fr. Leo Payyappilly OFMConv., Minister Provincial, Fr. Damian Veliyil, Delegate of St. Joseph of Cupertino Provincial Delegation and our Friars from different communities were also present to the occasion.
God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.
We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh,rather,we must be simple,humble and pure..
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