Militia Of The Immaculata (MI)
Franciscan Conventuals fix their eyes on the Blessed Virgin Mary as their own mother, patroness, model, and mediatrix. ‘Militia of Mary Immaculate’ has become an important part in the life of its members, especially since it was a great endeavour taken by St. Maximilian Kolbe who in 1932 dreamt of establishing an Indian Nepokalanow.
Being true sons and daughters of Mary, we are trying to establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men and women. And this is the greatest glory and honour that we can give to our Mother Mary: to take her Son Jesus to others and make him known to other as the Redeemer and Saviour of all. With her strong protection, its members are trying to establish a Kolbean Era through Franciscan spirituality.
What is the Militia of the Immaculata?
The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is a worldwide evangelization movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917, encouraging total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a means of spiritual renewal for individuals and society. The MI movement is open to all Catholics over 7 years old. It employs prayer as the main tool in the spiritual battle with evil. Members of the MI also immerse themselves in apostolic initiatives throughout society, either individually or in groups, to deepen and spread the knowledge of the Gospel and our Catholic Faith.
MI in our Province
The MI and its founder St.Maximilian Kolbe have a special place in the life of the Province. St. Maximilian has been the patron of our province, and our presence and establishment in India has always been seen as a fulfilment of his desire to establish his Marian Apostolate in this land, especially after his failed attempt in 1932 when he came to Ernakulum and Alwaye for this purpose. On the initiative of the late Fr. Joseph Cilia, former provincial Custos, the first center of MI was established at Kolbe Ashram, Alwaye, by late Bishop Sebastian Mankuzhikary, Apostolic Administrator of Ernakulum, on August 25, 1984. Fr. Cilia was named its first director and Bishop Sebastian Mankuzhikary became its first officially registered member in India. The Indian MI center was aggregated with the Primary Union in Rome by a decree of Father Lanfranco Serini, Minister General and the Moderator of MI, on October 16, 1984. At present we have around 200 plus MI members in our Province.
Marian Life in our Fraternities
All the Indian Conventual Friars are well aware of the importance of veneration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This veneration is expressed personally through daily consecration to Mary. And every Friary we have either daily common rosary or personal rosary, as well as solemn rosary in the month of October as part of our common devotion to Mary. And in all our fraternities we celebrate the important feasts of Blessed Virgin Mary, and we commemorate the feast of Immaculate Conception most solemnly.
Marian Life among the student-friars
The MI group in the major seminary co-ordinates the whole student-friars to foster Marian devotion in the seminary life. Besides the daily consecration and the recitation of the daily rosary, they have special programme for every year. They publish a magazine named Marian Voice once in every three months. The M.I. group has translated the English prayer of consecration to Mary into Malayalam for the convenience of the people to recite it every day during the Mass. They also animate solemn rosary in every monthly retreat and feast days of BVM. The student-friars every day after evening angelus recite the prayer of salutation to BVM. M.I. group also has published small booklet of M.I. intentions to be recited during rosary. They take initiative to conduct Marian seminar every year.
Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe
In all our friaries especially at Kolbe Franciscan Ashram we celebrate the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the founder of M.I. with most solemnity. We have nine days of preparation with special novena to the Saint. We also celebrate a Para-liturgy in honor of St. Maximilian Kolbe. People from neighbouring places, seminarians and religious and our well-wishers are specially invited for the feast.
Marian life among the lay people under the leadership of our friars
Assisi Shanthi Kendra is the only unit of M.I. for the lay people. This unit is so active and alive under the leadership of friars who regularly watch and lead the group to its goal and purposes. This group is very active with their Marian programme. This ordinary people put their petitions and problems to Jesus and find relief through BVM. They have Novena in honour of the BVM on every Wednesdays. Once in every three months they spend a day in prayer. Every month they recite rosary in the houses of a chosen member followed by special prayers including the intentions of M.I. They come together once in every month with their spiritual director for sharing their day-to-day life and spend time in adoration and prayer. And on those days one of the priests will take class on BVM and other related subjects which enable them to lead a Marian-Franciscan life. They also find time to have regular Marian pilgrimage to different Marian centres.
In spite of their busy family life, they find some days to visit poor people by rendering their helping hand. They visit old-age homes and orphanages and spend time with these abandoned people. Besides they collect a reasonable amount from the fund to share it with the poor every year.
Official website of MI: http://missionimmaculata.com/
Kolbe Prison Mission (KPM)
Kolbe Prison Mission was started at Kolbe Ashram in the silver jubilee year of its establishment on 2008. KPM in the spirit of St.Maximilian Kolbe is trying to help to the prisoners, who are rejected from the society. KPM aims at giving counselling to the prisoners, visiting prisons and their families and enable them to accept prisoners to their families. A group of Friars as members fulfils this ends by conducting prayer meetings, adorations, Holy Masses and Confessions in the prisons, sending greeting cards etc. along with this KPM also organises classes and seminars for the prisoners.
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