St. Anthony Franciscan Ashram
Vidyaniketan Junior College
Karunapuram, P O
Warangal Dt., Telangana
Tel: 0091 8331824528
St. Anthony Franciscan Ashram which comprises Vidyaniketan Junior College, St. Augustine’s Hostel, St. Anthony’s EM school in Warangal District of Telangana state is in the Diocese of Warangal, given to the Franciscan Conventuals on 09 May 2014 by Most. Rev. Udumala Bala, Bishop of Warangal. Also St. Augustine’s Hostel for boys was handed over to the Conventuals together with the College. It consists of 18 Acres of land including two buildings, furniture, laboratories and other household items. Fr. Felix Kandathinkkara OFM Conv. was appointed as the First Principal and Director of the Hostel for the same year. Fr. Joe Palukunnel OFM Conv, the Delegate of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana took initiative to take over this College and was approved by the Provincial and his Definitory. The Agreement between Diocese of Warangal and the Province of St. Maximilian Kolbe were made by the competent authority in the same year for trial basis and finally taken over this college and hostel for 15 years from 2014 to 2029. This Agreement was force on 09 May 2014. Later in 2017, the time period of the agreement was extended for another 25 years.
In 2016, we had begun girls’ hostel as well, in a separated building. Besides, from 2016 onwards the Aspirancy I and II year formation programme was shifted from San Cupertino Franciscan Ashram, Eluru to here. St. Anthony’s EM School at Vanamala is our latest undertaking here
God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.
We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh,rather,we must be simple,humble and pure..
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