Assisi Snehalaya
Assisi Snehalaya
Conventual Franciscan Friars
Thirumalayam Palayam P.O.
Coimbatore Dt. - 641105
Tamil Nadu, India
Tel.: (0091 422) 2656594
Assisi Snehalaya at Rottikaundanur in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu in the diocese of Palakkad canonically erected on November 08, 2004. Fr. Ferdinand Melappilly was appointed as the first Guardian and the Director of the HIV/AIDS Centre. The Centre situates on a plot of land of 21 acres and 84 cents of land. Our Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi is the patron of the Centre.
assisi snehalaya two
On September 03, 2006 the first part of the Centre was blessed by His Excellency Mar Jacob Manathodath, Bishop of Palakkad and Mr. P. Munivelu, DIG of the Prisons, Tamil Nadu inaugurated the administrative block and Dr. K. Mahadevan, Head of the Department of STDs, Coimbatore Medical College, officially inaugurated the Medical Department in the presence of Rev.Fr. Mathew Purayidom, Vicar Custos and Rev.Fr. Joseph Cilia, Former Provincial Custos.
The inauguration and blessing of the second phase took place on Friday November 30, 2007. Ms. Supriya Sahu IAS, the Project Director of TNSACS together with Mr. Frangisku Attard, the Benefactor and the sponsor of the second phase did the inauguration. Fr. Ugolino Mary Xerri, the mission promoter of Malta officiated the blessing ceremony.
God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.
We must not be wise and prudent according to the flesh,rather,we must be simple,humble and pure..
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