During this year, the candidate is formally accepted into the Order. He is now a novice. During this contemplative year, the novice deepens his knowledge and appreciation of the Rule of Saint Francis, the Constitutions of the Conventual Franciscans, and the history of the Franciscan movement. This stage of formation intensifies the development of the inner prayer life and the practical skills of being a Friar to one another. It also focuses quite purposefully on the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. At the end of the year, at the request of the Novice and with the approval of the Definitory, the Novice professes the vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity. Thus he becomes a Friar and a partial member in the Conventual community until he becomes a full – fledged member with solemn Profession.


During this stage of formation, the student-friar specializes in ministry training and academic studies. He might complete a college degree or begin graduate philosophical and theological studies. Usually we have three years of Philosophy Course and three and a half years of Theological Course. The focus on this three- or four-year period is on commitment. His continued discernment ultimately helps him conclude whether he is called and ready to profess the vows for the rest of his life. After five or six years, and passing through different stages of formation and ongoing discernment, he is finally able to profess Solemn Vows. Completing the Theological Course, normally we have the Priestly Ordination. All together, the whole formation program lasts for thirteen and a half years.


After the philosophy years, the student-friars pause their academic formation for a regency year. The aim of this year is to evaluate the student-friar's assimilation of the values taught during the previous years, especially his capacity to live and give service outside his formation community. During this year, every student-Friar goes through four Experiences, namely: Prayer, Mission, Social, and Community.

God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.

Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self..


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