The preaching ministry is an essential part of the Franciscan Charism. The ministry of the Franciscan Reconciliation Retreats was born as a result of the invitation of “The Conference of the Franciscan Family” that in its letter “Reconciled in Jesus Christ” in 1997 suggested having “popular missions.” Our province saw this as an opportunity to further develop Franciscan Reconciliation Retreat “in the Spirit of Assisi”. Through this ministry we promote peace and unity through reconciliation among the people of God. Different from other retreats, we try to impart Franciscan spirit and values that can be assimilated into the ordinary person’s daily life and situation.
We help them to reconcile in every level of Christian life by the application of these Franciscan values. Usually we conduct this Retreat during the Lenten season, but it can be conducted on other occasions as requested by parish priests.
Major Features of FRR
1) Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
2) House Visiting
3) Preaching
4) Sacrament of Confession
5)Procession with the Relic of the Cross
How it Functions
The Franciscan Reconciliation Retreat Team preaches in various parishes with the following program:
1) ;">Preparations in the parishes: The Director of FRR visits the parishes where the retreat will be preached and prepares the parishioners by explaining to them the importance of the retreat, how they should prepare themselves through prayer and fasting, how they may participate effectively in the retreat, etc. The preparatory prayers are given to the parishioners one month prior to the retreat. Thus they are able to pray in advance for the success of the retreat.
2) ;"> Preparations of the team: On the day before the Retreat, all the members of the team come together for a day’s prayer. The day contains a Holy hour, time for confession, and other preparatory prayers. The team then proceeds to the assigned parish.
3) ;">House visiting: The friars visits every family in the parish to reconcile broken hearts, bless the houses, and encourage the parishioners to participate in the retreat. The house visiting and the work of reconciliation are the effective and specific aspects of FRR.
4) ;">Preaching: The Preaching is done on the third day, after the family visits are completed. The retreat has four days of preaching. These sessions include the Rosary, Solemn Eucharistic Celebration, Preaching the Word of God, and Eucharistic Adoration. The topics dealt with include: Sin and Reconciliation, Christian Family Life, Eucharist, Christian Faith, and Suffering. Moreover, friars are always available for Counselling and Confession throughout the retreat.
God Dwells In Our Midst,
In The Blessed Sacrament
Of The Altar.
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